
Showing posts from May, 2017
what am i working on now? well i have 3 projects going at the moment, i'm working on a knitted rug, a baby blanket and a crochet blanket. this  is the rug, i've been asked to make this for a friend, they wanted it to be grey, and yellow, with a few hints of brown. when finished it will be approximately 3 feet around. i've been enjoying knitting this. the grey part i'm using the circular ten stitch pattern, and for the yellow, it's just a simple I-cord, so the grey is being attached as i go, and the I-cord is being attached with the brown color. this seems to work up super fast. heres the link to the ten stitch circular, it looks complicated, but it's actually really simple, the hardest part is the wrap and turns, which is pretty simple once you get the hang of it, i totally recommend this pattern, and i will be making myslef a ten stitch blanket, when i finish these few projects.  but if you get conf...