learning to knit and crochet.

My mom has been crocheting since way before i was born, all my life she has tried to teach me to crochet, when i was about 7 or 8 i tried to learn but bot of us, (me and my mother) got really frustrated..so at that time i decided crocheting wasn't for me. so i figured i would give it another try when i was about 14, and had to same results, it was frustrating, i didn't understand what i was suppose to do, i kept messing up the stitches, which in turn made my mom frustrated so at that point, i swore of crocheting, and decided i would never be able to do it. well about a week later, my mom bought me some knitting needles, (although she had no idea how to knit) but we decided to try and see if i could do that, now i should probably mention, that she didn't buy a book to go with the needles, just the knitting needles, i sort of figured out how to cast on and played with it a bit, and after a while i figured it out, knitting was so easy!

Well about 2 years ago i found this crochet pattern that i wanted to do, but i couldn't crochet, so i decided to ask my friend to try and teach me, she had the same amount of luck as my mom did, it was frustrating. but i was determined to learn, so i went home and spent countless hours on you-tube, trying to figure out how to crochet, finally i was successful. i would just crochet little things, make granny squares, or i would just make a small square of the new pattern i was learning, and finally i decided to try a blanket, my first project was a crocheted lighthouse throw blanket, and of course i couldn't start off doing something easy, this pattern had lots of color changes, but up to that point i only knew how to work with one color,  it took some practice but in the end i finally figured it out. (will add pictures soon)

After learning how to crochet, i picked up Tunisian crochet, which i do enjoy, its like a mix between knitting and crochet, using a long crochet hook, and more recently I've learned hair pin lace.   
so I've been knitting for about 14 years, and crocheting for 2 years (will be two in jan 2012)


  1. Wow, I have known you forever and didn't know some of those struggles you had. I do have to say you are great at making up your own patterns and bringing happiness to other people with your work! Cant wait to see pictures!!


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