it's been a while.

it's been a long while (over a year) since i last posted anything, a lot of it had to do with schooling at the time, i just didn't have time to focus on trying to graduate and a blog, also i just really haven't been motivated to blog, don't get me wrong i love being able to share my crafts, and it's not because i haven't been knitting or crocheting, i just haven't been in the mood to blog. i keep thinking i need to blog, i need to post all the things I've been working on.  so i'm going to try and be better at this blogging thing. now that i don't have to focus on school, although i am studying to take my state test this month, on the 22nd, which i am now starting to freak out a bit. i am currently working on 2 blankets, i will do my best to keep you all updated. i will also try to post more often.


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