so i've obviously been lacking on the blog. for a long time i was frustrated with it because i wasnt getting any followers, so i just stopped writing, but i never stopped knitting. knitting is my passion i love it, i'm constantly thinking about it, new projects or how to turn crochet patterns into a knitted piece. so even though i dont really have any followers right now, im going to try and be better at blogging, and maybe eventually ill get more people. so i think for now i'll use it as kind of a journal type thing for my knitting or crochet projects. i think that will help me get into the habit of being a better blogger.
        so right now i'm working on three projects, and getting ready to add a fourth, i know four at once, well i tend to get bored of one project, so i work on multiple projects at once and just rotate through them when i get tired of one. some times i feel overwhelmed because i'm doing a lot at once, and yes it makes them take a little (ok probably a lot) longer than if i were to just do one at a time. but i tend to make things more complicated then it really needs to be, it's just the way i like to do things.
         so what am i working on right now? well for my mom i'm making a hooded scarf for her, she works for the school district here as a bus aid, she helps the handicapped kids on and off the bus, so during our crazy winters here it gets really cold, yes yes i know it's spring now...or well it should be spring, but a few days ago it snowed, but as i mentioned before doing more than one project makes them take longer. but i am almost done with the scarf and cant wait to give it to my mother!!
         my next project is a mine craft blanket for my nephew, like most kids these days he is obsessed with the game, i have actually started this project well... i guess this would be the third time, when i originally started i called my sister in law and asked her what his favorite color was, she told me it was green, awesome i ran out to the store and bought a whole bunch of different colors of green yarn, came home charted out a creeper character cast on and began to knit, i actually got two whole rows of squares done, it was going to be 12 squares by 12 squares, well then a few weeks later my nephew was at my house hanging out and we started talking about the video game and he told me that his favorite color was blue after the character Steve, awesome i thought, so i decided i would rip out what i had done and make him a Steve character instead, so i went into my stash to see what i had and once again charted out what i was going to do and then casted on, now i didnt get as far with this one, but as i was knitting and had all this green yarn siting in front of me i was wondering what i was going to do with it all, so like any normal person now days i went on pinterest, and found a pattern that had both steve and the creeper dude, so naturally i ripped out what i was doing and started over, this way i dont have a bunch of green yarn and my nephew will (hopefully) still be happy with his blanket. he informed me about two days ago that he things the creeper character is cute, but is not his favorite so i think i'm still safe!
          and my other project is for my father, he was in the navy and served in veitnam, so i found him something i think is special just for him, i'm not going to go into detail just in case he reads this because i want it to be a surprise. this one will actually be crochet though not my favorite thing to do but i couldnt find a knit version and i didnt want to spend the time to redo the pattern, i'm sure he will be happy with it crochet as long as its from me and from the heart i'm sure he'll be happy!

        and the last project i'm getting ready to start is a baby blanket, some of mine and my husbands good friends just told us a few weeks ago that they are expecting baby #3!! yay i'm so happy for them i hope it's a girl!! they already have two boys, which i made blankets for both of them as well.
so there it is all my wonderful crazy projects.

if you have any question about well anything to do with knitting or crocheting or yarn, or maybe not related at all, please feel free to ask or just leave a comment and i promise to be better at this blogging thing!!

"a day without knitting is like a day without sunshine" <3
dont forget to knit everyday!!


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